Today, a dedication ceremony was held at Lasalle Mariners Yacht Club to celebrating the relocation of the flagpole from the former HMCS Hunter (960 Ouellette) to LMYC. This dedication was incorporated into the club’s Past Commodore’s Memorial led by PC Dave Evans and Yvonne McRobbie with support from Noel Brockman. Club Chaplain Father Stan Fraser, Lasalle Mayor Crystal Meloche, Deputy Mayor Michael Akpata, Members of LMYC, HMCS Hunter LCdr Eric Salter and LCdr Chris Elliott, the RCNA and Cadets of RCSCC Agamemnon all turned out to celebrate. Thank you to Steve Willar RCNA for providing the sound and music and PC Ralph Allen for being our MC. The RCNA Firing Party also provided support. A toast and light foods provided by the LMYC Social Committee followed the ceremony. Thank you to everyone for celebrating with us. Photo credits: Susan Bee