Past Commodore Yvonne McRobbie held an Old Sailor's Lunch earlier this month. Hi EveryoneThank you for coming to our little lunch. It was amazing to renew oldfriendships....[read more]
2022-River-Rat-Race-011Download...[read more]
3rd-Annual-LMYC-Detroit-River-Dinghy-RegattaDownload Dinghy-course-chart-to-scaleDownload...[read more]
Download Download Download...[read more]
2022-Hospice-SIDownload 2022-Hospice-NORDownload...[read more]
Saturday August 27th, 2022 Notice of race: 2022-Notice-of-Race-Regatta-Download Sailing instructions: 2022-Fighting-Island-Sailing-InstructionsDownload Class splits: ...[read more]
Due to border restraints and change of venue, we only have 6 participants registered for Shakedown Leamington. We are cancelling this event and will consider an event across...[read more]
The first boat of the 2022 season has been launched. Phil Bergeron, owner of Blown Away, continues his tradition of being the first to launch. The harbours...[read more]
ANNOUNCING!! LMYC's 3rd Almost Annual Euchre Tournament!Saturday, March 26, 2022 at 2pm****8 more players needed **** $10 to enter including pizza 1st prize-$50 ...[read more]
Thanks to Yvonne McRobbie for digitizing old copies of The Currents, the LMYC newsletter, dating back to 1975. You can view those online here: ...[read more]